Joining AKT

Welcome to the crew!

To become a member, you must join a union branch. Application forms are available from shop stewards at you workplace, from the regional offices or the central office of the Union. You can also order a joining package here.

You can also join the Union, notify on changing your local union branch or your employer by filling in the electric forms below.

If your union fees are deducted by your employer, you should print the union fee collection agreement included in the membership application form. The link for the collection agreement will appear after you have clicked the JOIN button.


Find your regional office and your local union branch

Why should you join a union?

NEW MEMBER/CHANGE OF UNION FORM for SLSY os. 208 (cabin crew)
(If your union fees are deducted by your employer, you should either print the union fee collection agreement included in the membership application form. The link for the collection agreement will appear after you have clicked the JOIN button. Note that SLSY os. 208 membership fee is 1,5 %  year 2023  and for the year 2024 membership fee will be 1,35% . Your unemployment fund is Erko.

Membership fee collection

If your employer deducts your membership fees from your wages, please print the membership fee collection agreement for your employer to fill in. You can print the collection agreement after clicking the LIITY-button in the membership application form. A copy of the collection agreement must be forwarded to the employer/calculation of wages. Please, make sure that the employer will forward the collection agreement to the Union. The employer will deduct the membership fee from your wages and account it to the Union. Check your pay slip to make sure that the employer really deducts the membership fee from your wages.

In case the employer does not collect the membership fee from your wages, you must see to it that you pay it yourself. As soon as your membership application has been processed by the Union membership registry, you will be sent a membership fee schedule and paying-in slips to pay your fees.

Amount of membership fee

The Union membership fee for the year 2024 is 1,6% of gross income. Note: Year 2023 membership fee was 1,8%. Some union branches apply a raised membership fee.

Percentual membership fee is paid on all taxable income, including annual holiday pay, holiday allowance and holiday bonus, sick pay paid by the employer and other similar remunerations, income-related unemployment benefits and other benefits paid by the unemployment fund. Membership fee is not, however paid, on benefits paid by KELA.

Membership fee is tax-deductible.

Päivitetty: 3.6.2024